
The Fulani-Viet and the missing factor

Born from a Fulani -American father forced into a super soldier program during the Vietnam and a Vietnamese Mother….Jamal Dumare was rampaged the world of human traffic as a vigilante known as The Fulani Viet. Using his enhance healing, and strength(passed down from his father’s genetically enhanced dna) to take down pimps who extorted young women throughout south east asia. It was during this time that the future king of mages encountered The Enchantress Kali who used human traffic to fund her arcane practice. When attacked by the Fulani Viet Kali hexed him slowly turning him into a werewolf. It would take years before he would brake the curse and blossom supernatural abilities. The following is a sample to chapter one of “The Fulani Viet”.

Jamal sees the lifeless body of his friend Bobby. Jamal drops to his knees beside his childhood friend bows his head and closes his eyes. As he does tears begin to flow down from Jamal’s closed eyes. Through his mind’s eye he watches visions of good times he shared with his bestfriend. When Jamal’s tears fall down his cheek they touch the corners of his lips. The the taste of the salt from his tears break Jamal’s escape from the reality. Jamal’s eyes open as they do his sight zeros in on his his fallen friend. The sight sends a felling in Jamal’s gut then he feels and energey from his abdomen rushing through his body. This sends a burning sensation to the wounded left hand of Jamal. He rapidly pulls his left hand up to eye level and sees his injuries from the knife fight healed before his very eyes.

Completely mentally broken from the events that have taken place, Jamal seeks answers. Searching through his fathers brief case he finds newspaper clipings. These headlines read Master Uknown the urban legend of an inner city vigilante group that was taking down gangs and drug dealers during the 1980s. The news papers led Jamal to a friend of his father’s Dr. Ogoon. Jamal later discovers (from Dr.Ogoon)that his father was forced into a super soldier program when he was drafted into the Vietnam War. Jamal also learns that his father went rouge when he was ordered to kill a local Vietnamese woman and that woman became Jamal’s mother. Dr Ogoon finally reveals that Master Unknown was not a group but it was only one person…Jamal’s father. His father used his genetically enhanced gifts from the super soldier program to take on crime upon his return to America with his now pregnant wife.


The Doctrine

“For centuries ….it has been centuries since i last felt anything close to being mortal. My mortality became a shroud that i pealed off like a layer of skin on a ripe fruit. ” Said the necromancer ..

Wardance maintains his calm as he listens to his confessing adversary.

” I must admit …I understand why your so many did not want to destroy you but control you”

Wardance interrupts and shouts ” you’re NO DIFFERENT WIZARD !!!

“HMMMM Wizard ….. I’m sure you being a blood mage may think that wizardy something to aspire to.” The Doctrine continues…” Dr. Ogoon your former mentor used think the same way until he was betrayed by HIS mentor..

Wardance still bonded to The Doctrines machine closes his as he realizes That the doctrine is casting a spell as he is speaking or at least the necromancer is trying to break Wardance’s spirit in order to make him (Wardance) emotionally ripe to plant seeds of doubt to feed a spell.

The Doctrine continues speaking ” AAAH for the longest I’ve wanted to ask you how did you feel Knowing the Mr. Enoch betrayed and killed your beloved mentor?” The Doctrine turns around and sees that Wardance has his eyes closed.

“I see so it was shame your felt…how fitting an emotion..I hope you see that you are as much a student of hate as I am . Dr.Ogoon realized that Enoch was only teaching and training you to shun the science of necromancy because in reality Mr. Enoch teaches you to embrace hate…..the only difference between us Wardnce is I accept my hatred and you run from it . “

Wardance flashes back to his time studying with Dr. Ogoon. He thinks of their time at Enoch University, the first time he met Professor Enoch. Using his inner eyesight Wardance can see the PreHuman enrgy brewing from his abdomen to his heart and his brain. As this is happening Wardance feels the misleading words of The Doctrine having no effect on his (Wardance) thoughts.

The doctrine now realizes what his captive is doing. ” No matter how hard you try blood mage you know what I’m telling you is true Even Master Unknown ..your father left Enoch because he knew the old man was weak and wicked .

When Wardance heard the Name of his father his focus stopped and his thoughts shift to when he read the words of his father’s journal …reminding himself that his father only used necromancey to bring back the family of his wife …as well as the lives of people killed by the doctrine

Wardance summons a bolt of lighting down to him. Within an instant The Doctrine sees this and moves in time to avoid the magical blast from the machine as the lighting struck it.

The blast recharged the missing factory allowing Wardance to heal from his injuries from the prior battle. As the supernatural hero is freed he mentally casts a teleport spell sending himself to a dark corner of the room. Sensing that The doctrine is tracking his magical movements, Wardance conjures a masking spell to hide himself further from the mad necromancer. Wardance strives to keep his emotions balanced keep his spells in motion.

The doctrine is still unaware that Deadly Blades armed with Wardance’s sword is placing enchanted blades around The Doctrines necromancer’s crystal slowly blocking it from charging the Doctrines power.


Wardance vs Dr.Ogoon wizard of iron

Wardance discovers that his former mentor has fallen to dark magic and has hired The Doctrine to take Deadly Blades hostage. Setting up a series of tests for Wardance to lure him back to darkness

To my dear young Jamal,

If you indeed are reading this electronic message then I must tell you that it truly saddens me that we do not see eye to eye on the subject of Magic. It has only been a decade since you have come into your ability to use Magic. You have not cultivated the proper understanding of the mathematics that make up the many equations that are the foundation for the SCIENCE of magic. Yes my son magic is a science. Your youthful perception of the science has always been one caught in the currents of mystical nature. In reality my child ….there is NOTHING mystical about magic at all.

As I have taught you…..

Magic is a misunderstood science that dates back trillions of ages before so called modern man was even a thought in the cosmos. I have dedicated over 30 years to the proper study of this long forgotten science as well as its many disciplines and skills. My tribal lineage has raised me with a firm understanding of the PREHUMAN origins of Magic. For the last decade I have tirelessly merged so called modern science with True Magic ( Mage Work). The results have been phenomenal to say the least once it is completely comprehended that true magic does not worship spirits but in reality it is the key to commanding said spirits. The various spirits of our fathers’ land of what is now called West Africa are now employed by me. They are the builders and constructors of the most advanced algorithms, interactive software and other technologies that this world will ever see. Ogoon Technologies the enterprise of my founding shall serve as a beacon of light for not only West Africa or even Earth for that matter but to the universe itself.

you will always be a son to me Jamal. I swore to your father that I will always treat you as a son. Please my child don’t get in my way of bringing balance to this biosphere wrongfully called Earth. A war between us is the last thing I could ever imagine or fathom. It was me that showed you your power when the Matriarch took you. Never forget it was the Matriarch of Darkness that slew your father and sacrificed your former Lover making her no more than another demon to be vanished. The daughter of Ho Fu Wei is living proof that Magic has replaced her for you. Although, she nor you will admit it is true. So why would you suffer if the one that was replaced is to be vanished?! For she is now one of the four demons that you must face and conquer….not me! How can you even think to go against that which has taken you from the pits of darkness to a throne of your very own within the records of The Blood Mages.

Sincerely Dr. Ogoon


As a thunderstorm shrouds the alley of the old Hyde warehouse and the Hyde apartment building. Wardance stands on the rooftop of the warehouse reading the electronic message sent from his former mentor Dr. Ogoon on his left gauntlet. As Wardance nears the end of the message he squats on the rooftop as his attention zeroes in on Dr. Ogoon’s words. As the supernatural hero completes the message he closes his eyes takes a deep breath sighing in frustration he looks back down to his left gauntlet opens his eyes and slowly moves his right hand over his the control pad of his left gauntlet.

Wardance closes the encrypted message sent by Dr. Ogoon. Although Rachel became a demon because she committed scuicide, she only did it because she was raped. Dr. Ogoon the man Wardance once called a mentor now seeks to vanish the demon that Rachel has become.

Wardance thought to himself…”I cant let this happen even though I agree with the old man’s Theology his methods are fucked”

Squatting down on the roof of the wherehouse hideout of his loyal band of magic wielding misfits ( The forgotten sons*). His Cape flowing in the wind of the storm Wardance stands….as he does he his eyes begin to glow with a golden flame, his hand glow with green ether. He mentally calls Shongo his enchanted sword forged from the axe of his Prehuman ancestor. As the sword answers the call flying to Wardance’s right hand …he grips the sword by the hilt. At that moment lightning erupting from the sword’s blade summons a green cloud above Wardance the lightning pulls Wardance into the cloud, as it does the cloud dissipate. the storm then ceased leaving only a thin green and purple vapor behind.

Meanwhile at Dr. Ogoons stronghold compound in South Africa, watching the many monitors in his throne room, through the lenses of his iron mask Dr.Ogoon is tracking the movement of Wardance

” My child you have always been impulsive…always moving before thinking ” Dr.Ogoon utters in a grimm low and mechanical tone voice.

Taking in a deep breath then releasing it as if in disappointmented the now cybernetic tyrant let’s a sigh . The combination of electronic and organic vocal pitch echoes throughout the dark chambers of Dr. Ogoon’s throne room. The tyrant looks to his right arm rest of his throne lifting his cybernetic right index finger then presses the communication button

“Unleash the hellhounds Mr. Doctrine. ..the subject is in teleport…his travel patterns show that he is headed to the field of nightmares. I don’t want him killed only stalled” Ogoon shouts in a cold mechanical voice

“Yes master Ogoon heard and understood ” replies a dark male voice emitting from the speaker of Ogoon’s arm rest

Ogoon sits back on his throne folding his hands together. His organic left hand caresses his cybernetic right hand.

“you dare defend a woman that has chosen death rather than you..It was her desicion to become a demon yet you wage war with me in her defense ” grumbles Dr. Ogoon

“No matter my child you will soon understand the error of you thinking …all I do is to make you stronger in power. Unfortunately you can not increase your power by being emotionally WEAK! ” as Ogoon utters his words he unfolds his hands, forming his left organic hand into a fist. As he does his left organic hand begins to emit lightning. The throne room monitors begin to spark and fall to the ground.


AT GUTHERS CASTLE on the hills of Scotland…..standing in the west wing tower is The fallen wizard known as the Doctrine. Looking over the west garden. Littered with graves of sacrificed criminals and enemies that stood in The Doctrine’s way on his path of conquest.

” Ogoon is far to lenient on the young blood mage” The Doctrine thinks to himself stroking his long white and grey beard with his pale left hand. The jewels on the rings that decorated his fingers sparked as his finger moved. One by one the fingernails of each finger grew into claws and the retracted as they moved through his thick and aged beard.

” The old fool is willing to lay waste to a field of precious corpses that took a century to acquire ” The necromancer thought to himself

“The blood mage will easily do away with them …even if I raise them as gargoyles. The Doctrine continues thinking to himself

“Wardance was a reaper for the werewolves for almost two decades he knows their weaknesses…so why would ..” The fallen wizard of necromancy stops his thought as another approaches the front of his mind ” No..its almost as if Old Ogoon seeks to test the young Blood Mage giving a series of trials to test his abilities…no matter I don’t know what Ogoon has done to bring the blood mage here but this will be a performance worth watching and if he reaches this castle will surely have my amusement. ..don’t worry Ogoon I won’t kill your precious Wardance I’m going to break him just like you and that pathetic pack of witches you took him from.” Closing his thoughts as a storm brews over the West Garden The Doctrine’s attention returns to looking out the window. At the same time a thin green mist hovers over the field of nightmares. The mist gathers at the center of the garden a few hundred feet above the ground yet lower that tower from which The Doctrine is looking from. As mist gathers into clouds bursting with lightning. As one of the bolt strikes the ground a shadowy figure standing in the center of the garden with a red cloak flowing in the rain and wind of the storm.

” The blood Mage I presume ” The Doctrine utters to himself while still stroking his beard. As the words whisper from his wrinkled lips …a crystal ball on the table near the Doctrine let’s out a sonic tone. In response The Doctrine waves his jewelry decorated left hand. One instant later the voice of Dr.Ogoon begins to speak

” Unleash the graves of the south gate” Denands Ogoon. Slightly feeling insulted being a subject to one he views less than himself The Doctrine replies “As you wish” not knowing that Ogoon could sense the contempt of his authority Ogoon says boldly

“We shall speak when this is over necromancer” Ogoon abruptly ends his clairvoyant broadcast.

Brushing Ogoon’s closing statement aside The Doctrine raises both of his hands, closes his eyes and begins to cast his spell to raise the corpses of the south gate and begin the process of changing them into The werewolves of flesh and bone those that survive this battle will be turned to stone and preserved on the garden gates for later use .

Fighting off the lower emotions Wardance begins to return to his normal form. Fallen to his knees and dreadfully weakened looks up and sees the lamp containing the demon spirit of his former lover Rachel. Digging deep within himself Wardance crawls his way to the rubble. Slowly regaining a little more strength as the missing factor began healing him, the battle damaged hero painfully begins to stand up and limbs towards the lamp. Once reaching the lamp Wardance picks up the lamps from the rubble of broken stone. Enchanting his right hand with all the heart energy he could summon places a redemption spell on top of the lamp. He then uses his right hand to open the relic and the demon spirit of Rachel rises going through the layer of spell work place over her former prison. As Rachel rises through the spell her form goes from demon to nature spirit. At this same instance the spell ignites covering the entire west wing garden.

The souls the stained werewolves emerge from the decapitated corpses of the flesh demons.

standing over the garden on top of a statue is Deadly Blades witnessing the event. She jumps down as runs to Wardance’s side. Wardance raises his right arm and embraces her. As Deadly Blades wrapped her arms around Wardance’s torso the two look up they watched the redeemed souls make their way towards the setting sun.


Kali’s field of nightmares. ..

As Wardance looks behind him hears another roar this one shook the ground beneath his feet.

” That sword is the Mark of a very special unmarked grave Wardance” Taunts Dr. Ogoons voice as projecting from a crystal being held by a Gargoyle statue standing in front of the sword Thrusted in stone.

a hand bursting from the ground however unlike the graves before this hand not only remained mortal it the wrists neared a gauntlet similar to those upon Wardance, but these worn by the arm emerging from the soil . What appears to be man looking similar to Wardance but in all black with white hair yet from other than the color of his hair looks the same age as Wardance.

“Meet your ancestor. …the beloved KING SHAMBALLAH!!! ” Screams Ogoon’s voice from the nearby crystals.



Wardance vs Deadly Blades

After Wardance faces of with the recently resurrected Thuggie Hyde…Wardance encounters a mysterious masked young woman using iron spell work that he crafted and calling herself Deadly Blades the very name Wardance gave to his secret iron spells. Deadly Blades demands that Wardance fight his urges to follow the orders of the necromancers which leads to the two of them fighting after being bested by Deadly Blades, the masked victor reveals herself to Wendy


Enter Deadly Blades

one year has passed Wendy has seen Jamal . Reports of a rampaging Zombie is sweeping through the inner city. Wendy has spent the last 12 months researching werewolves and the arcane applying her martial arts knowledge (learned by her adopted father) she learns to enchant Blades weapons. Also during this time she learns about Wardance the mage king cursed by a circle of Necromancers forced to do thier biding.However, due to the level of his power instead of transforming into a wolf permanently he can transform at will. Wendy further discovers that Jamal is Wardance taking on the name Deadly Blades (inspired by the iron spells created by Wardance) Wendy sets out to hunt her lost love.

Script for Paper trade back version (sample)


Panel one -Back shot of Deadly Blades standing in front of Wardance.Deadly Blades is lowering (her) hood and removing (her) mask

panel two -Wardance looks in shock and screams


Panel three- a close up of an unmasked Deadly Blades revealed to be a saddened Wendy Luann is shown in this panel she replies saying ” So you do remember me…didn’t think you remembered. You disappeared and looked everywhere for you !”

Panel four – Wardance looks with an expression of slight relief and says ” So you’re the infamous Deadly Blades..I can accept defeat to you with a willing heart”

Panel five- Wendy sheds a tear replying ” Like I told you…”

Panel six-Wendy smiles with a tear and continues

“your heart is all I ever wanted”

Page 2

panel one- wide shot of Wardance and Deadly Blades standing Wardance laughs

“hahahahahahahahahahha” Wendy says “why are you laughing “

panel two-close up of Wardance as he says “I actually thought you wanted take my heart when you said that ….don’t forget we were fighting when you said that the way how did you learn the iron spells ?”

panel three-Wendy smiles and says” I found your book..studied it night and day”

panel four-backshot of Wendy with Wardance looking at her as he says” I SEE ! it takes a lot of energy to cast those spells”

panel five – a smiling Wendy says ” I wonder where i got it “

panel six- Wardance and Wendy kiss

Page 3

panel one- naration box after five years she finally had him back the love she thought was lost –


Wendy and The Wolf

Vietnamese American Wendy LuAnn while on vacation from writing encounters a wolf that saves her life. Throughout the duration of her vacation Wendy is greeted by the wolf every sunset

When wendy returns home from her vacation she encounters a young man who through conversation reminds her of events that took place during her vacation.

Taken by the young man Wendy begins to have dreams about the young man and the wolf. As she gets closer to the young man( whose name Is Jamal)she begins to develop feelings for Jamal. The two become romantically involved. During a night of Romance Jamal & Wendy were attacked Jamal reveals that he has magical abilities and that he was the wolf that she was encountered while defending Wendy from the attacker. Out of fear that he has scared Wendy Jamal runs away in the night.


The Dark origin of Thuggie Hyde

by J.W.Qiyamah H.Wallah and J.J Meccanez

to hear Dr.Ogoon tell the story of Thuggie Hyde click the link below

Meanwhile in the dark dimension of the astral plane…
A frightened Thuggie Hyde finds himself in graveyard running from a mysterious shadow figure. While running in a panic Thuggie trips over a tree trunk and falls to the groundLooking up he sees the shadow standing before him .” Guilty ! ” screams the shadow figure hooded in a red jacket and green hood.” you have raped, murdered and robbed innocent people for years now it’s time to pay!” Says the hooded phantom 
“When you awaken turn yourself in an then put yourself to rest ” command the green hood phantom. 
The phantom points towards a nearby set of graves in the field of nightmares and says” take your place among the rest of your animal ancestors “Thuggie Looks at the sets of headstones on the graves pointed to by the phantom…there are three one is unmarked,  the second reads the name..Dr. HENRY JEKYLL THE THIRD READS MR. EDWARD HYDE
NOOOOOO screams Thuggie 
Thuggie awakens in the office of his warehouse he picks up his cellphone and calls the local police. ” 911 what’s your emergency “Says the operator “I…I …I wanna report a string of violent crimes ” says the evil slum lord.
Three months later after turning him self in he was found guilty on 7 counts of sexual assault, 135 counts of communicating threats, 15 counts of first degree murder,  6 accounts of assault with a deadly weapon, 24 counts of kidnapping sentenced to life, 3 days later Thuggie was found in his cell dead. He had hung himself using torn sheets from his bed.

6 months later Thuggie’s grave was found empty .

Later that year reports of brute size zombie was reported rampaging the inner cities .

Wardance while investigating the reports found the reports not only to be true but the identity of the Zombie was non other than Thuggie Hyde under the spell of The Doctrine


The Cipher City Vigilante

a story by J.W. Qiyamah

Built on the land owned and operated by The Ogoon institute …Cipher City became a beacon of light to the modern world. The students, teachers participants and volunteers of the Institute do not pay rent, mortgage, utility bill, or property tax. They are paid (even students) in the cryptocurrency known as goon coin. Those that don’t participate in the institution that live in Cipher City do not live for free…yet, compared to life outside of the city it is very little in cost less.

Most of the companies within Cipher City owned by Participants and students of the institution.

*** Author’s note ***

as cipher city grew from a smart town into an official city state di fi became the standard for not only the


Deadly Blades vision of the king

by J.W. Qiyamah


Vietnamese American Wendy Pham discovers that her adopted father is the leader of a militant cult she also bears the missing factor in her dna. The missing factor began to awaken from its dormant state when she discovers that her father is leader of a militant cult known as the head clan.


Wardance meets Deadly Blades

This story takes place in the year 2004 Jamal is returned to Earth from The Quetzal after a decade of training in the science of the mage… Jamal has very little memory of the events that took place after he left on the Quetzal. Only knowing his name to be Wardance Jamal has one thing on his mind ….save Dr. Ogoon whom he last saw be blasted into a burning wall during the explosion in his lab.