
Wardance meets Terasu

The urban mage known as Wardance is on a quest for a rare and precious magical item so that he may cast a money spell to reclaim his family’s wealth..

one wardance found the magical item is was guarded by the female necromancer Lady Kali ..

the magical battle between the two resulted in Wardance being defeated and forced to impregnate the female necromancer …

now that kali had the seed of the mage king ..

she hexed wardance and placed him in a magical prison

Wardance relied on his astral meditation to stay alive

While in deep meditation Wardance was able to project himself deep within the Astral realm

slowing down the process of of the hex on his physical body

it was there that he met the primordial spirit Terasu …Terasu shared with Jamal the knowledge of drawing energy from the Tantric realm back to his physical body

15 years of doing this gave Wardance the power to break the hex and escape the prison

The spirit fell in love with Jamal, using her many devotees to interact with Wardance in the physical plane..

when human traffic ring led Lady Kali ,targeted the devotees of Terasu …

Terasu’s most faithful devotee Li Ama Zhen came to aid Wardance in his fight against the


The king of mages vs The man of renown

‘the origin of wardance’s uniform and armor’

the man of renown

the last son of a doomed planet that was destroyed trillions of years ago

the man of renown is the by product of a refugee of the doomed planet and a human mother

Wardance as a character earned his stripes by taking on the famed man of renown the last son of the doomed planet.

If Wardance were indeed to taking on the man of renown he would have to rely on his magical powers to weaken man of renown then strike while he is in a weakened state.That was the original thesis however when these characters faced off in the fanfiction article Wardance used his jade darts to stab man of renown in the chest ending the fight rather quickly. it was then that I began to see the true potential for Wardance as a character


Hulk vs Red Hulk

article by J.W.Qiyamah

The Red Hulk is an overlooked fan favorite, but could actually defeat Banner if the face off made to the big or small screen?

The Red Hulk was first introduced to Marvel Comics in 2008. His introduction kept his true identity secret for quite a few publications. It was not until 2010’s “World War Hulks” that is shown that longtime adversary General Thunderbolt Ross was in reality The Red Hulk. Also in 2008 the now fully blossomed MCU introduced William Hurt in “Incredible Hulk” starring Edward Norton. Sadly we lost William Hurt March of this year (2022). This tragedy struck a major blow to many fans that would wish to see The Red Hulk on the big or small screen.

Taking to account that when Dr. Banner goes into “rage mode” his strength is for the most part limitless. However, his crimson counterpart does in fact have his limits. It is a fact that Red Hulk’s major flaw is that he can overheat. Taking this into account if the two goliaths were to go at it on the big screen it would make quite the spectacle. Although the two have fought it out on the pages of comics as well as the animated “Avengers Assemble” fans would have love to have seen the epic battle translate from comic to cinematic motion.

Another huge factor to consider is the identity of the Red Hulk. Thunderbolt Ross. The identity of the Red Hulk being Thunderbolt Ross is important because he has been a thorn in Banner’s side since he (Banner) became the original Hulk. If the two were to clash and the fact that Banner is anger driven (meaning he gets stronger with his anger), the Red Hulk could easily anger Banner to the point of no return. This would give Banner all the fuel he would need to push Red Hulk to the point of overheating, ultimately giving Banner the win. This does not neccesarily mean that Banner would slay the scarlet beast but is a huge factor consider if the two were to have a showdown in the MCU.

The Hulk has also beaten Red Hulk in the comics by forcing Red Hulk to overheat in combat. Once Banner even threatened Red Hulk by stating that if he ever reverted by to being General Ross he (Banner) would expose Ross as being Red Hulk. This cleaver event also brings another one up that Banner has over Red Hulk….intelligence.

The argument between fanboys over which hulk is stronger could go on for days, although it has been concluded that in short term Red Hulk but in the longer term The original Banner Hulk is stronger because unlike Red Hulk, Banner does not overheat and become vulnerable.


Wardance vs The Iron Beast

As Wardance goes into the abandoned steel factory, he is approached by Dr Ogoon’s rouge creation(The Iron Beast) a slither of Lucy Red’s spell takes a hold of Wardance’s thoughts, thus slowing his reaction time. The Iron Beast now in fully active security mode attacks the bewildered king of mages.

As the Iron Beast scans the king of mages it detects his weakened healing factor.

The lingering spell slither weakens Wardance’s healing factor. As Wardance falls to his knees he fighting the spell, The iron beast strikes Wardance on his right arm.


King Shamballah chapter two

by J.W. Qiyamah

chapter two

the crimes of Mr. Hyde & and the London Vigilante

As Shamballah sits on top of the rooftops of London, he recalls the actions of Mr. Hyde thinking of how the mandinkan female servant was raped by Mr. Hyde and now pregnant. Feeling pity for the young woman Shamballah now with the wealth of Dr. Jekyll gave the soon to be mother enough British Pounds to start a new life for herself.


King Shamballah Chapter One

by J.W.Qiyamah

CHAPTER ONE: Kali’s field of nightmares

London mid 1800s after the mysterious death of Dr. Jekyll a series of paranormal sightings followed by the disappearances of house servants have plagued the wealthy of London.

This story follows the former servant of Dr. Jekyll an (enslaved Fulani) discovers that Dr. Jekyll’s formula contains a main ingredient stolen From the tribe of the runaway servant. Hasan Nyako the former servant uses the ingredient to make the original formula coupled with the magic teachings of his tribe to become The Supernatural hero King Shamballah!

London mid 1800s at the height of Mr. Hydes rampage a series of hauntings followed by the disappearances of house servants have plaqued the wealthy of London.

On the foggy streets of London a local news paper boy stands on the corner and shouts
“Extra Extra read all about it. London mystery killer strikes again !”
Meanwhile at the Estate of Dr. Jekyll The Dr wakes up on the floor of his study in a fright. ” I cant keep this up .” the Doctor says to himself. Getting himself up from the floor, Dr Jekyll finds himself yet again shirtless, without shoes and torn pants. Looking to make sure that has an full supply of ingredients to make his formula for the remainder of the month, he notices that he is missing the West African crushed red flower. Calling for his house servant yet getting no reply Dr. Jekyll realizes that not only that the main ingredient for his formula is missing but he is transforming back into Mr. Edward Hyde Searching for his Fulani servants.
 Knowing of the monstrous acts committed by The dark side of Dr Jekyll…Edward Hyde, the Fulani servant took the main ingredient. Knowing that it was stolen from his tribe and used by its shamans warriors to tap into thier higher self.
Hasan can you hear me. 


The Fulani Viet becomes Wardance

After aiding a young woman in the astral plane The Fulani Viet unknowingly broke the curse placed on him. The missing factor in his DNA had slowed the hex but He was still vulnerable to werewolf transformation for 12 hour periods.Another side effect of the hex was that he also had access to all powers and creatures of the night. Powers such as astral and even dream travel were at his disposal as well as mind control. However due to him having the missing factor in his DNA, The Fulani Viet did not fully give into the dark powers. Unknown to him at the time if he were to save a soul in the astral dimension of dreams the hex would be broken. The same young woman whom The Fulani Viet saved in the dream dimension of the astral realm became key in Jamal’s growth from fugitive government property (due to the missing factor in his dna) to the king of mages.


WithCindy Prehumans fanfiction Pt 1

In this fanfiction Wardance (the main protagonist of The Prehumans) meets Vietnamese American owner or personal brand WithCindy…..Taking Place during Wardance’s days as the Fulani-Viet.

Cindy while asleep travels the portion of the astral plane. All events of her past recorded in the ethers for her to examine. The ignorance of others, and her relatives have formed into a mist of karma dark clouds that surround her as she walks through the fields of her memories. Each traumatic experience in her life has been locked into crypts and coffins buried in graves littered throughout the field. Cindy continues to walk about through the field making her way towards the gate. As she nears the gate, Cindy notices that a black wolf is walking behind the tombstones of her traumatic memories. At first glance Cindy felt that the wolf was not a threat or the refection of other disappointing and heartbreaking events of her past, as she heard the wolf whimper. She begin to slow her steps toward the gate, keeping her eyes on the wolf. Her thoughts wondering if the wolf is a manifestation of her fantasy of a werewolf like lover. The curiosity of that possibility slowly takes over her. However at the same time her own negative thoughts about herself feed a nearby spirit. The spirit takes the form a an ex lover whom caused her pain during her late high school and college days. The ex lover’s eyes begin to glow a demonic red color as fangs form from the teeth in his mouth. Not feeling fear from the sight, Cindy feels a rush of anger surging through her. At the same time Cindy hears a howl from the direction she last saw the phantom wolf who is now missing. Looking back at the foul spirit in the form of her ex Cindy can feel the broken emotions that once tormented her. Refusing to give into weakness Cindy forms her right hand into a fist as her anger rises. Focusing her past broken emotions into rage and the will to fight she feels something on her right leg. She looks down and sees the wolf at her side as if he was there to protect her and at the same time Cindy could feel that Wolf sought affection from her as he sniffed her right thigh and her clenched right hand still formed into a fist. Cindy opens her right hand to pet the head of the dark wolf. Massaging the wolf’s neck Cindy could feel a string of beads around the neck of the wolf. The dark phantom wolf begins to lick and Cindy’s hand as if the Wolf was kissing her hand. With her attention on the wolf, Cindy almost forgot about the foul spirit of her ex standing nearby. Looking back at the foul spirit Cindy begins to recall the broken mind that her past put her in. Before Cindy’s emotions could react, the wolf at her side began to snarl and growl at the foul spirit as if Cindy’s emotions were non verbal commands to the dark wolf. The wolf still snarling begins to tense in a striking formation. Letting off a howl the wolf run towards the foul spirit of Cindy’s ex. As the wolf pounces off Cindy notices the golden beads around the wolf’s neck. They were very resembling a necklace of prayer beads. Darting Towards the foul spirit the wolf begins to attack the spirit mauling the spirit as the figure falls backwards to the ground. Mounted on top the spirit the wolf bites and claws its spiritual prey. Cindy watching from the side, looking at the green ectoplasm spilling from the wounds of the attacked foul spirit. Once finished all that remained of the spirit is a broken skeleton with chunks off torn flesh dripping ectoplasm instead of blood. The black wolf lifts its head to the air and howl towards the sky.

Cindy awakens on the couch of her airbnb vacation home. Feeling a sense of victory she sits up, takes a deep breath. Gathering her thoughts Cindy crosses her legs indian style. Processing her astral venture she looks at her laptop sitting on the table in front of the couch. While the images of the astral event still fresh in her mind Cindy uncrosses her legs, leans forward picks up her laptop, recrosses


Withcindy Prehumans fanfiction part 2

Cindy awakes from her dream abruptly. Sitting up on the couch folding her legs “Indian style”, she leans back an begins to rub her face. After rubbing her face she reaches over for her glasses on the lamp stand on her left side. Cindy opens her glasses, puts them on and turns her torso to look out the window behind the couch. Cindy sees the setting sun, turns back around and says to herself ” shit I overslept ” in low toned voice. Scratching the top of her head with her right index and middle fingers she flashes back to her dream still thinking about the black wolf with the golden prayer bead necklace around its neck. Gathering her thoughts Cindy stands up from the couch, the instant her socks touched the floor Cindy hears a howl from the window.She with out hesitation turns around once again looking out the window behind the couch. Cindy kneels down on the the couch to get a closer look out the window. She sees the setting sun and the silhouette of the woods located behind the Airbnb condo. Squinting her eyes see even further or at least to the best of her ability Cindy noticed movement on the right side of silhouette of trees. Focusing her vision Cindy could see a figure walking on all fours. She immediately goes into her pajama pants pocket pulls out her phone to take a video or picture so that see could go back and zoom in on the footage. As she pulls her phone out Cindy notices that around her wrapped around the wrist of her right hand is the golden paryer beads worn by the wolf in her dream.


The man of Renown versus Man of Steel a Prehumans fanfiction piece

In this special fanfiction issue of The Supernatural Prehumans

Shamballah takes on broken Kal-el who has fallen to a spell placed on him by Black Adam.


Shamballah while fighting the Doctrine is blasted into world where Black Adam exploits Superman’s weakness to Magic, and casts a spell on Superman controlling his will. When Black Adam senses another Magical Champion (Shamballah) he sends the hexed man of steel to attack