
Tales of the Prehumans #2

The haunting of The Ogoon Towers

Dr. Ogoon

Standing tall above New Carthage metropolitan city (formerly New York city) the Ogoon Towers stand erect as a testimony to the mortal realm and the arcane world alike. Once the head of the neutral factions Dr.Ogoon was a master Ironmancer who left the arcane factions; against the will of the 7 judges Dr. Ogoon wished to take the prehuman ironmancy to the mortal realm. This course of action was not in favor with the laws of spirit and flesh. Mortal Society thought saved from the dark dimension of the Doctrine still suffered damage from the demons of the Doctrine still infesting the dreamscape of the mortal realm; making them unfit to practice the arcane beyond the Paladin class.

Dr.Ogoon was reduced to the class of a Warlock and banished to the mortal realm stripped of his healing factor making it impossible for him to practice ironmancy Ogoon focused on Paladin magics for wealth and Alchemy to pursue his scientific studies. This gave rise to Ogoon Technologies, an establishment that produced an almost golden age of this cycle.

Dr. Ogoon was betrayed by his son who looked down upon his father for being banished from the arcane factions; became disillusioned and sought alliances with operatives of the demonic factions that are honeycobed throughout the Mortal realm. These demonic operatives are shadows of the Doctrine’s dark dimension sworn to take the Reparative Territories out of good standing with the 7 judges. Shunning his reduced class of Warlock, Dr. Ogoon fully adopted adamic science as his discipline. Ogoon’s son became exposed to Necronomicon teachings and became a slave of the Doctrine, taking his father’s life to please The demon generals to be accepted as a dark Necromancer Ogoon’s son attempted to destroy his father’s research by unleashing a lost soul from the Doctrine dimension on the Ogoon towers. The Demon generals and thier Mortal factions rejected Ogoon’s son but claimed Dr.Ogoon’s remains to be used a Zombie reaper to unleash chaos on the Mortal realm and inject fear into its society.

Using stolen cybernetic prototypes from The Ogoon Towers, The demon generals forged Dr.Ogoon’s remains into a cybernetic dark battle Warlock controlled by the demon generals of the Necronomicon. Ogoon’s son committed scuicide and became the lost soul MindFuck the poltergeist who dwells in the research and development floor of the Ogoon Towers. Often annoyed by the lost soul from the Doctrine dimension MindFuck has paid the price for his sins. No longer a man, less than a ghost and beneath Jinn, GENIE and demon The mortal poltergeist is bond to the halls of research he sought to destroy. Cursed by the All giver the tragic souls of he and his father haunt and torment the modern marvel of Ogoon Technologies, it’s products and their consumers. During Shamballah’s days as the unknown student (student x) Keyamah Shamballah in disguise gained employment at Ogoon Technologies