
Shamballah vs The Sloth Man

Meanwhile at the

Shamballah (thinking Tom himself ):

The ghost of The GLITCH has been vanquished…

My mind is quiet for first time in weeks.

Now I have to hunt his bastard student… The Sloth Man


Shamballah: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU WILLIAM?! You were a brilliant kid but you let Harry warp your mind. He was never your friend. You were accepted by the Temple, how could you give that up for demons ?

SLOTH-MAN:Ssshut up Mage king !

SHAMBALLAH: Your family has no idea how low you’ve fallen.

The blob of an adversary charged towards Shamballah .

Shamballah using his enchanted sword sliced the legs of the obesit adversary cutting him off at the knees, then using mage fist punched through the chest of the Ebony blob; removing his heart. This attack combination was done with swiftness as the upper body of the overweight adversary had not yet began to fall from the severed knees.

As the remains of The Sloth Man fell Shamballah mentally recited a vanishing spell while still holding The Sloth Man’s heart; the removed organ burts into flames.


Kelly Khan enters the old Afred Mansion..

“Helloooo” Kelly shouts while entering the abandoned luxury home.

“I know you’re here you don’t have to hide from me. Kelly explains “I actually.. actually ummm we’re the same, I’m like you” .

“What do you know about that place?”

“As far as the company pretty much everything “

“That’s not what I mean.”

“All I know is what you showed me”

“I can feel you in my mind, I can feel when you found me, I feel you..


Fall of the Temple Enter the Factions

6,000 mortal years after the purge against The temple of arcane sciences, by the hands of Warlock Prince Enlil ; the former student body of the Temple broke into factions. Those who practiced the ORIGINAL science of Necromancy (Mage Medicine) rejected the teachings of Prince Enlil, whom used Prehuman Medicine to create formulas to maximize demonic energy. This teaching was called Necronomicon or the cursed book.


“When the genie of the light asked me what I wanted more than anything I could respond “. Said Jamal to Quetzal Jade. “I was so damaged from my past. That’s when I realized that was her test. The four demons that blocked me from the dreamscape deserts”.

“So ..what did you do? Asked Quetzal completely taken by Shamballah’s words as well being as being magnetized by the boyish charm that exuded from his mature energy.

“I went to war. I vanquished one and damaged the other three with a protection spell. The spell I used nearly took me out. I was recovering when I heard you and the others.

thinking to herself Quetzal abruptly speaks out …”those things it was three of…that’s why you left, they were following you”

“Everywhere I go so far they always show up. QUETZAL listen to me tonight is the last time I’m doing this …you have do what I say okay…they will do worst than kill you believe me.” Shamballah instructed “Tonight it ends those pieces of shit are getting vanquished



meanwhile on the Old Alfred Plantation…

Now in possession of an American born Fulani electronic musician who’s forefathers were once enslaved on said plantation.

Quetzal Jade and her friends arrive at the Old Alfred Mansion

The Fulani came into possession of the property after casting a powerful spell that cursed the wealth of the plantation owner’s bloodline resulting in the last heir of the Old Alfred Plantation being haunted by demons that tortured the last Heir into giving his assets over to a living descendant of one whom was enslaved by Old man Alfred….the Musician was chosen (by way of the spell) to relieve the Property as well as all 100 million of the last heir’s liquid assets.


Issue Two: Battle of the Arcane Factions

It has been 10 years since I was expelled from the 3rd faction of Necromancy. The 3 factions all have fallen to the madness of Necronomicon the cursed teachings of the Warlock Elymas (Student of Enlyl).

Being born with the gift of the sacred flame; the ability to command spirit was not given to me by the faction,thus they questioned both my loyalty and to what extent could they control me.

Necromancy was originally the world of Doctors and medicine..

However, The dark prince Enlil distorted The Book of Doctors and created The Necronomicon no longer was it a science to heal one from Recent Death; Necronomicon teachings were to use death as a weapon. In addition Necronomicon subscribes to the worship of the demon king.

I REJECTED THE MADDNESS and in doing so unlocked my natural born power the ability to command wind and storm. This coupled with spiritmancy gave me the leverage to stand up to the the 3 Factions the exiled me of course and I glady complied.

My exile however, was not a freedom enjoyed peacefully, the 3 factions declared war on me…

The order of the sacred flame established by Prophet Enki took me in and taught me the way of the paladin the prehuman way of Prophet Anu messenger of the All giver. This gave me the balance and inner peace needed to vanquish the demons branded to me from my time with the Factions…

20 years later….

Shamballah commanding the spirit of thunder and lightning made his way through the clouds with fierce rage. On his way two the stronghold of the last faction. After decimating the mage kings of the first two factions; the 3rd faction and the remaining forces of the original 2 factions combined becoming the infamous LAST FACTION.

The genie princess the green book has been taken by the student of Elymas. Master Necromancer called The Doctrine who is mage king of the last faction has stolen the sacred text from The Temple of the sacred flame. The order has sent Shamballah to face The Doctrine in Arcane Combat and return the Green Book and the genie princess bonded to the texts..

Landing via lightning bolt on the main steple on The Cathedral of the damned stronghold of the last faction; Shamballah stands over the Cathedral gargoyles as he orders the spirit of thunder and lightning to the rear of the Cathedral as a diversion. Sending the spirits of shadow and smokeless fire to surround the perimeter of the Cathedral cemetery to await the undead militia that were beginning to rise from the Graves of the cemetery. Shamballah crashing into the main hall of worship disturbs the ritual to sacrifice the genie of the book and destroy the sacred green book of Geomancy the original science as scribed by prophet Enki himself ……..



Before Shamballah embraced his position in the universe as a combat Sorcerer;he was an assassin for the 3rd faction( at a time when the 3 factions were at war with each other).

called Student Unknown by the faction (or the Unknown Student).

***In the exciting next installment will Shamballah and his spirit army defeat the last faction and thier undead militia ?****

Will Shamballah save the genie princess and return The holy green book of Geomancy to The Temple of The Sacred Flame?



in this exciting adventure Shamballah the future mage king of the neutral factions meets his faithful genie companion The lady of the Sacred flame… this time Jamal Shamballah Dumare has forsaken the discipline of Necromancy after taking revenge for his love ones.


After 3 days in the desert ( in the Astral dimension of Mars). SHAMBALLAH found a small oasis to prepare for sunset. “I will build the circle here”. Shamballah thought to himself while keeping the vision he saw in the Ogoon Caverns in his minds eye.

falling asleep within the circle the summoned genie princess looked upon the sleeping Shamballah seeing his last vision and feeling attached to said vision as his wish to be her command.

The next morning Jamal Shamballah Dumare awoke in his quarters; far from the deserts of the Astral dimension of Mars.

arising from His bed he sees a beautiful eastern woman asleep next to him. Confused Jamal goes to the bathroom to wash and clear his mind. Looking into his mirror Jamal sees markings on his face, the markings of the Mage King…




Shamballah’s secret Origin Part two

Shamballah is paladin Sorcerer of urban dwellings. Born of a cursed bloodline (his great grandmother fell victim to the Necronomicon while in captivity during colonial occupation). SHAMBALLAH was born with the power of the second death; the ability to destroy a mortal soul. A power reserved for the 7 judges this future Battle Sorcerer was marked with the fate of the 7 to act as an enforcer of the 7 judges or ill fated to be a Necromancer Warlord for the demonic factions.

Taking up the practice of the Prehuman paladin way Shamballah broke his family curse gaining acceptance into the Temple of the Arcane sciences. However, when Shamballah’s loved ones were attacked by a Warlock he left the Temple and used the second death take revenge on the Warlock.

Shamballah returned to the Temple only to find that the demonic factions had taken control of it and banished him.

One of the Masters Talib M’laaah( the wise) took Shamballah to Voodoo island where M’laah took Shamballah to an enchanted cavern. , the genie empress of wealth and arcane treasure who escaped the purge; and found refuge in the dreamscape continued to teach Shamballah the Paladin way; giving the Sorcerer a needed spiritual balance as well as the spell and potion work required for his hero’s journey.

In order to properly she her knowledge with Shamballah outside of the Temple Shamballah had to take on the spell master as a wife. The marriage was to last for 5 years in which time Shamballah would learn the was of his prehuman ancestors and be properly groomed as a realized Sorcerer of the sacred flame.

Chapter one

The separation

The new temple of Arcane Arts and the order of forgotten sons the two fruits of Shamballah’s marriage to his two genie brides…

A mortal wife is chosen

Deadly Blades, a break away member of the demonic factions now an enforcer for the assassin order of the head clan. Born Lin Song, she attended the Temple located in southeast Asia before the purge( head by the Mad Warlock). Inspired by Shamballah’s battle with the Warlock of the Endor witch, Deadly Blades became a fan of Shamballah’s hero’s journey.

“The head Clan has joined the demonic factions. I can’t work for them” Deadly Blades thought to herself. “Potion work and mortal fighting with mortal weapons is not enough to take them on …I need help. “

Deadly Blades realized that her only hope is to find the Mage king of the neutral factions..Shamballah.

The maidens of wrath

The order led by Deadly Blades 36 wemon of high level potion work and Adamic shadow combat; now in secret alliance with The mage king Shamballah……

“In the name of The All giver you the maidens of wrath who act as one now the King’s Brides of Wrath. His most intimate vanguard to his throne Each of you shall be Empreses of the Neutral factions ” declared M’laaah the wise as he stood before Deadly Blades and her Order of arcane justice.


The first marriage of Shamballah took place when the purge began. During his 30 day attempt to summon the genie princess of wealth and arcane artifacts.

“By the nights end of your second day you must be pure in order to summon her. Hold true to the vision you saw in the caverns for it was your future” M’laaah declared. If that was my future then I already summoned her” said Shamballah.

Kali and the Doctrine put the Maddness on you to keep you impure an rejected by her. In essence you are not summoning a mere genie …YOU ARE STANDING UP AND CLAMING YOUR WIFE! M’laaah explained. THE FIRST IN AN ENCHANTED TRINITY OF HONOR AND RESPECT…SHE IS THE FIRST .

“Two born of Jinn and one born of Mortal and Jinn find them and claim your faction” ordered the Master Wizard.

That night the former Student of Necromancy completed the cleansing ritual after defeating the” demons of the daybreak”, allowing his vision in the Shaongo caverns to take control of his inner dialogue. Playing the scene over and over in his mind’s eye like vintage video footage. The car he saw himself in alone must has cost a king’s ransom. The vehicle was well maintained and equipped with an arsenal sufficient for urban paranormal investigation and combat…but the final vision seen while in the caverns that was the image burned into Jamal Shamballah Dumare’s psyche. The vision of the man in the red hooded cloak with glowing green eyes. Surrounded by an orbit of smokeless fire as he hovered above the nighttime cityscape. LIKE AN APEX PREDATOR STANDING VANGUARD OVER ITS NATURAL HABITATION.



20 years have past…

Shamballah is now the recognized Mage king of the neutral factions ushering in a balanced existence for the “Magical community ” in mortal society…

However, an envious element has entered the neutral factions since Dr. Ogoon the cyborg Necromancer has been attacking the factions of the sacred light; secretly framing the neutral factions for the attacks

The trading factions head has called a meeting

Banking clan leader:

Shamballah is a Sorcerer that misused his powers for revenge, thus he was exiled from the Temple of Arcane sciences…how much can we really trust him. He was a friend of this cyborg…Sorcery was banned because of Shamballah’s bloodlines. His family used the cursed book !

Imports Clan leader:

What you say is true, but what you forget is that Shamballah broke his family curse and gained favor with the 7 judges. The 7 judges wrote the laws. If they see fit to back Shamballah who are to question his loyalty?

He turned down membership into the Order and rebuild the Temple to bring us the ORIGINAL teachings of Prophet Enki himself. Thus, thus we the factions of Import and Export REJECT your statement and WE OVERRULE the baking factions. In fact Mr. Talib your founder is a decision making MEMBER OF OUR ORDER..and it was Mr. TALIB’S ADVICE that lead Shamballah to take the seat of Mage King over our factions. And with that being said if you continue your disloyal words you will be banished from your seat!

June Lin now a member of the Forgotten Sons fraternal order was present at the meeting

she now understood the full gravity as to why Shamballah never spoke of his exile. Now aware that it was revenge that lead to his banishment; and seeing Shamballah in combat; Lin could only imagine the dark justice the man whom she so greatly admires could have delivered; and on whom.


so you where at the meeting? Like I said before June; you will see. I swore to my Master instructor that I will never speak on that night When he forgave me and continued to teach me without the Temple having knowledge of it.

June took a deep breath and accepted Shamballah’s words as she completely understood what the Mage king was saying.



June without you ..I ..I ..I can’t break the laws concerning you I swore to keep you safe and as you know if I don’t tell you something it has to be

June Lin interrupts his words and kisses the mage king with intensity. A kiss almost a year in the making a consumption of a companionship neither foresaw but felt the moment the first encountered.


It has been two years since Shamballah has been undercover at the Ogoon Technologies research and development building gathering Intel for the banking factions.

Shamballah vs Clone 6

Shamballah has discovered that the company headed by Ogoons grandson has made a clone of Shamballah that has glitched and become deformed. Now the clone has been kept on the premises to be studied. Shamballah tried to befriend the clone however the clone proved to be taken by the madness of the Necronomicon as it was placed in him via the grafted dna used to create clone 6.

“Clone 6 came close to destroying my contract. I can’t help him nor pity him. No friendship can be made with him nor can he now the truth. It’s best that he remains here. I have the plans and blueprints for the the A.i that we need now it’s time to get back to the banking faction. I now see that the former head of the banking clan knew about clone 6. Thank the All giver he was replaced. My accounts would have been depleted and contracts with the factions voided. Clone 6 only ruined 3,000 Arane dinars out of 17 million not bad but I have to do better. I’m a faction founder and a Mage king. I can’t afford to get caught of gaurd like that…there’s too much at stake. ” Shamballah thought to himself. “I have to stay focused if I am to awaken the genie princess of the dreamscape and find the treasure of the mage king ….with it the neutral factions can establish themselves as a replacement for the fading Necronomicon dimension..

with it, the demonic factions can no longer control the Adamic world.

After the completion of extracting the data from The Technologies building Shamballah destroyed all research regarding the cloning process, and gave his notice of leave keeping his secret identity intact and not know by the grandson of Dr.Ogoon.

Fade out


The true Origin of Shamballah “king of mages”

After being trapped in the dark dimension of the dreamscape for over 20 year. Jamal Shamballah Dumare began to tale on the energy of the said dimension of space; while at the same time his inborn Sorcerer DNA code (inherited from his parents) was activated.

It was not until he found the great boarder of the dark dimension did this protagonist face the gatekeepers of the dark dimension….the evil cursed ones. The souls of four mortals who fell victim to the madness of Necronomicon teachings; transforming them in beings of self destruction, hate, greed and envy. The demon “overseer” of the four gatekeepers the evil Jinn Queen Kali daugher of the Cursed one became infatuated with Jamal due to his unbreakable spirit. His spirit is so unbreakable that he actually engaged into combat with the four gatekeepers almost defeating them. For the past two decades Jamal has battle the gatekeepers. So far he has vanquished and defeated only one of them the soul of greed. The three remaining gatekeepers were greatly weakened by the defeat of the vanquished soul of greed.

Lady Kali the overseer no longer desired to destroy Jamal. Against her fathers orders Kali wanted Jamal for herself.

While the three remaining gatekeepers rested drawing energy from sleeping mortals

After his escape from the dark dimension Jamal realized that only 5 years had past to him it felt like decades.

Embracing his middle name (Shamballah) and turning his former life, Shamballah used what was left of his mortal life as a platform to interface with both the seen and unseen worlds. Over the next two decades Jamal studied the unseen world and its effects on the seen world; as well the effects of being in the dark dimension had on his physical body.

Fade in

INT/Jae Dumar World studio/ night

Doctor June Lin:

First of all I want to thank you



The powers of the sacred flame and the second death. I was 17 when I first used the sacred flame

The second death was a power I have not used since I was exiled from the Temple of Arcane sciences; a series of events that I will never speak on. All I will tell you is that is a weapon I will only use on those that serve the cosmic threats the so called “Old One” or the cursed book that controls them.

Doctor June Lin:

How long have you been exiled?


June I can’t speak on that …but stay around long enough and I’m sure you will SEE the answer. In my world ..ones word IS their bond. I have to go you are more than welcome to stay here you will be safe.



Fade In


Dr. Ogoon

The elder masters have been taken by the madness. The student body have left the Temple and broken of into factions nestled throughout Mortal Society

Your Orders are to make these factions War among themselves by attacking those I send you to. I COMMAND YOU STOP THE RISE OF THE MAGE KING OF THE NEUTRAL FACTIONS!!!!

Ogoon’s cybernetic remains; awakened from its dormant state arose standing erect arming itself for combat



Fade out



An employee of Ogoon Technologies dies from steroid abuse. Doomed to be a poltergeist like entity trapped in the Ogoon shuttle 6….This ghostly menace alerts Shamballah’s attention when his offering to the Banking Order is intercepted by The glitch and his misguided henchman.

Shamballah’s Investigation of the incident unravels origin of the paranormal petty thief.