
Arcane Alumni III The Enchanted Trinity of Arcane Justice

by Hasan Wallah


The Enchanted Trinity of Arcane Justice. The combat Sorcerer, The Necromancer assassin and the genie of Enki’s grimore; these three also called the Enchanted TRIUNE act as street level judges over all arcane activities throughout the Reparative Territories of America and Europe. With the fraternal order of the Forgotten Sons as allies and the 7 high Judges as overseers the Enchanted TRIUNE are now a fully realized and functional entity in the world of the arcane. A bond between Sorcerer, genie and Necromancer that became healthy polygamist relationship of paranormal proportions.


SHAMBALLAH watches the crystal monitor as Deadly Blades performs her latest recon detail on the Head Clan’s new recruiting Hotspot in the New Nippon section of the Reparative Territories …

The Temple of the Arcane…

In ruins ….destroyed by the son of school’s founder…

The men of Renown…purged

Shamballah you are all that is left …

M’laah the wise..framed for the death of his greatest teacher he ever groomed…

The first and oldest of all arcane institutions 


A plot that goes back to the great arcane purge of all magic over 6,000 mortal years ago

During the ages that M’laaah the wise was known as Thoth…

Before the Wizard Merlin betrayed his teacher and became The Necromancer known as The Doctrine slave of Elymas…

Before the school was a thought in the cosmos…it was destined to fall Only to rise once more…..

After emerging from spell of power free of his inner demons and with and unlocked healing factor…Shamballah stood from the meditative position, hooded in his red cloak of Gilgamesh flowing as a chilling breeze blew through the dark cavern.

Terasu hovered in pride and awe as her master stood in honor

“40 years of torment in one sitting no battle Wizard has ever completed chapter one my master at least not in my young 10,000 years at the temple” said the genie hovering around her master in excitement. “

Shamballah still feeling the tornent from the experience yet focused with reassurance the he was ready to enter the third chapter of the manual, the chapter of weather manipulation a power centered subtopic of Geomancy; reserved for the most disciplined men of Renown. Mere battle Wizards of the past that attempted to use weather manipulation and storm creation as a base power set verse an extention of an existing power set were all drained and destroyed by the power or damaged to the point of turning to dark paladin ways of The Necronomicon for false healing on to become forces of darkness. It was at this point Shamballah understood why M’laaah banished him from school yet allowed him to represent the institution at the Wizard’s duel…

“If the missing factor was in me only needing to be unlocked then that is something I was born with…not something I learned “

“Jamal Dumare Shamballah as I told you before I would not have been able share the book with you if you were not a mage king my master ” explained Terasu as she stood on her master’s right shoulder.

“You weren’t rejected master you just proved to be more than a battle Wizard you were born with the arcane inside you …by definition you are a Sorcerer not a Wizard that was only training for my master. A shell or as the Adamics say training wheels, a tool ment to be cast aside..Only a Sorcerer can be a mage king and only a mage king can be of the Renown

Su my father was a clone and mother was half genie the students at the temple rejected me called me less than adamic…


shouted the genie now hovering in her master’s face “they are either dead or worse!”Exclaimed the angered genie, insulted by the thought of her master being spoken down to.

“I chose to be at your side 1,000 years before you were born master..if you didn’t have a soul, I would not have witnessed it”. Explained Terasu flying up to her master’s forehead and kissing it.

“Besides you are branded with the mark of the mage king now master …your path is paved…don’t let doubt resurrect your pain. The Necromancer will sense it not only that you will not be able to practice chapter three you should rest o will be in the dreamscape waiting for you” said Tersu hovering into a vanishing green flame.

end of chapter one preview