
ARCANE ALUMNI I The Necromancer, the Sorcerer and the genie of the book

Formerly known as Student X Shamaballah is an Urban Wizard and main protagonist.

The literary universe of the supernatural Prehumans has gone through a dramatic revision. This revision to the universe has changed the origins, name and settings of Main story characters and location names.

The revised literary Universe

Master Uknown -the clone of an 1877 vigilante. Having a super soldier serum within his dna granting him advanced healing strength and intellegence

Master Unknown is also skilled in arcane potions an almost every known hand to hand combat system

Guardian of the Reparated Territories and founder of Division Uknown the law enforcement unit for the territories and its jurisdiction

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Master Uknown guardian of the R.T.A (Reparation Territories of America) and founder of Division Uknown

Student X – Born Jamal Dumare became the student and “side kick” to Master Unknown during the early days of Division Unknown. Jamal is the son of Master Unknown’s best friend Yaya Dumare (aka Sgt Fulani) and a Champa mystic..

Upon learning arcane science form one of Master Unknown’s teachers when Master Uknown sent Student X to study in so that he can become the head of Sector A of Division Uknown which focused on Arcane criminal activity and events .

Student X has a healing factor that allows him to practice aggressively advance fire spells, as well as time and weather spell, in addition to his combat training from Master Unknow ……

Student X eventually became the Urban Wizard Shamballah king of mages

Student X and Wolf form Terasu

student x and Terasu (in wolf cub form)

King Shamballah the urban Wizard and his genie companion Lady Terasu


SHAMBALLAH has dropped the banner of Student Unknown upon graduation from M’laaah’s Academy Temple of the Arcane Sciences; and fully embraced the tribal name of his mother’s bloodline SHAMBALLAH! No longer using Necromancy as his base arcane practice; Shamballah has found balance as a Paladin adopting the prehuman religion and finding peace in the fact that he is a Sorcerer not a Wizard as he originally thought upon Entering the temple. Having genie DNA Shamballah was born with the ability to self heal at an advanced rate. As a student Necromancer (during his freshman & sophomore years) at the temple he viewed this as a mutation due to his father being a cloned human soldier. However, upon examination during his sophomore year it was proven to be a byproduct of battle genie DNA. It was for this fact that he was rejected from the class of Necromancy; not because of his enchantment powered Affair with former Necromancy instructor Lady Kali. In fact this was not the reason for Lady Kali’s expulsion from the temple. It was due to her being taken by the madness of the of Enlil’s perverse Doctrine of Necronomicon stripping Necromancy from its purpose of extending physical life and or punishing violent crime both mortal and arcane. It was Lady Kali the put the love spell on Shamballah. However, when broke the love spell his dormant healing power was fully awakened and realized by both himself and the 7 judges of the Temple and its subordinate Universities on biospheres Earth and Mars. Upon enrollment of his junior cycle Shamballah was classed as a student combat Sorcerer and transferred to the geomancer class at the University in southeast Asia……..


Deadly Blades the king’s wizard vs

Kelly Khann arcane alumni of excellence in potions development and applications digital spell casting, Geo-Necromancy (the science of control over dead natural life) and arcane law enforcement. Taking the official Wizard’s name “The Deadly Blades of Khann” affectionately known simply as Deadly Blades. Having a focus on using geo-necromancy as a tool to administer justice (although harsh) to dark “magic” users swayed by the curse Necronomicon Doctrine.

Her father a rouge Yakuza enforcer that fled to Mongolia then eventually Hong Kong in the 1970s; was in reality a clone of a highly decorated assassin for the Head Clan a brotherhood of Necromancy practicing Yakuza that rose to power after using dark “magic” to aquire wealth and fund the rebuilding from ground zero (and minus one); securing there seat in power. The head

Taking on the name Ho Fu Wei after the Han Chinese potions master that gave him refuge Wei married Li Khann a woman he fell in love with in Mongolia. Together they bore Kelly who was immediately placed into the Necromancer academy at age 12 from there Khann transferred to the University Academy Temple …

living on campus she learned that her father had taken up Necronomicon practice and sacrificed her mother for power…Kelly Khan swore that she will use her arcane skills to destroy her father.

Ho Fu used his Tong connections to instigate war between The Tongs and The Head Clan. Only to pose as the peacekeeper after sacrificing the Sensei of The Head Clan and taking control over its seat of power.

Kelly Khann graduated from the arcane university in southeast Asia one cycle after Shamballah’s graduated and received the Cloak and Gauntlets of Gilgamesh and the lost grimore of Mage king Prince Enki the first as well as the genie of the grimore as a faithful servant and companion for the purpose of keeping the now Combat Paladin Sorcerer.

Khann excelled in both Necromancy and Geomancy. Khann admired both Shamballah and Lady Kali (before her fall to Necronomicon) She (Khann) did not look down on Shamballah for being sexually assaulted by his former instructor. Khan felt connected to Shamballah on many levels. Like Shamballah she had a cloned parent.

I graduated from the temple …

The Sorcerer’s Wizard and the genie of the book