
Our Members only TTRPG

the literary universe of the supernatural prehumans is also a TTRPG. Playable only by private membership.


Origin of Wardance’s King (Temple)suit

when we first meet Wardance he does not have the full uniform of a mage king infact he still used guns. in his introduction (as a hero) Wardance did not fully trust his powers as he did not fully understand them.

Before Wardance completed his basic training as Captain of M’laah’s temple of prehuman science…he had to face not only his former mentor Dr Ogoon but his Prehuman ancestor Shamballah under the control of Prehuman Kali.

Upon wining the duel Wardance was given the position of his anceastor as king of mages


Wardance meets Terasu

The urban mage known as Wardance is on a quest for a rare and precious magical item so that he may cast a money spell to reclaim his family’s wealth..

one wardance found the magical item is was guarded by the female necromancer Lady Kali ..

the magical battle between the two resulted in Wardance being defeated and forced to impregnate the female necromancer …

now that kali had the seed of the mage king ..

she hexed wardance and placed him in a magical prison

Wardance relied on his astral meditation to stay alive

While in deep meditation Wardance was able to project himself deep within the Astral realm

slowing down the process of of the hex on his physical body

it was there that he met the primordial spirit Terasu …Terasu shared with Jamal the knowledge of drawing energy from the Tantric realm back to his physical body

15 years of doing this gave Wardance the power to break the hex and escape the prison

The spirit fell in love with Jamal, using her many devotees to interact with Wardance in the physical plane..

when human traffic ring led Lady Kali ,targeted the devotees of Terasu …

Terasu’s most faithful devotee Li Ama Zhen came to aid Wardance in his fight against the