
Shamballah’s secret Origin Part two

Shamballah is paladin Sorcerer of urban dwellings. Born of a cursed bloodline (his great grandmother fell victim to the Necronomicon while in captivity during colonial occupation). SHAMBALLAH was born with the power of the second death; the ability to destroy a mortal soul. A power reserved for the 7 judges this future Battle Sorcerer was marked with the fate of the 7 to act as an enforcer of the 7 judges or ill fated to be a Necromancer Warlord for the demonic factions.

Taking up the practice of the Prehuman paladin way Shamballah broke his family curse gaining acceptance into the Temple of the Arcane sciences. However, when Shamballah’s loved ones were attacked by a Warlock he left the Temple and used the second death take revenge on the Warlock.

Shamballah returned to the Temple only to find that the demonic factions had taken control of it and banished him.

One of the Masters Talib M’laaah( the wise) took Shamballah to Voodoo island where M’laah took Shamballah to an enchanted cavern. , the genie empress of wealth and arcane treasure who escaped the purge; and found refuge in the dreamscape continued to teach Shamballah the Paladin way; giving the Sorcerer a needed spiritual balance as well as the spell and potion work required for his hero’s journey.

In order to properly she her knowledge with Shamballah outside of the Temple Shamballah had to take on the spell master as a wife. The marriage was to last for 5 years in which time Shamballah would learn the was of his prehuman ancestors and be properly groomed as a realized Sorcerer of the sacred flame.

Chapter one

The separation

The new temple of Arcane Arts and the order of forgotten sons the two fruits of Shamballah’s marriage to his two genie brides…

A mortal wife is chosen

Deadly Blades, a break away member of the demonic factions now an enforcer for the assassin order of the head clan. Born Lin Song, she attended the Temple located in southeast Asia before the purge( head by the Mad Warlock). Inspired by Shamballah’s battle with the Warlock of the Endor witch, Deadly Blades became a fan of Shamballah’s hero’s journey.

“The head Clan has joined the demonic factions. I can’t work for them” Deadly Blades thought to herself. “Potion work and mortal fighting with mortal weapons is not enough to take them on …I need help. “

Deadly Blades realized that her only hope is to find the Mage king of the neutral factions..Shamballah.

The maidens of wrath

The order led by Deadly Blades 36 wemon of high level potion work and Adamic shadow combat; now in secret alliance with The mage king Shamballah……

“In the name of The All giver you the maidens of wrath who act as one now the King’s Brides of Wrath. His most intimate vanguard to his throne Each of you shall be Empreses of the Neutral factions ” declared M’laaah the wise as he stood before Deadly Blades and her Order of arcane justice.


The first marriage of Shamballah took place when the purge began. During his 30 day attempt to summon the genie princess of wealth and arcane artifacts.

“By the nights end of your second day you must be pure in order to summon her. Hold true to the vision you saw in the caverns for it was your future” M’laaah declared. If that was my future then I already summoned her” said Shamballah.

Kali and the Doctrine put the Maddness on you to keep you impure an rejected by her. In essence you are not summoning a mere genie …YOU ARE STANDING UP AND CLAMING YOUR WIFE! M’laaah explained. THE FIRST IN AN ENCHANTED TRINITY OF HONOR AND RESPECT…SHE IS THE FIRST .

“Two born of Jinn and one born of Mortal and Jinn find them and claim your faction” ordered the Master Wizard.

That night the former Student of Necromancy completed the cleansing ritual after defeating the” demons of the daybreak”, allowing his vision in the Shaongo caverns to take control of his inner dialogue. Playing the scene over and over in his mind’s eye like vintage video footage. The car he saw himself in alone must has cost a king’s ransom. The vehicle was well maintained and equipped with an arsenal sufficient for urban paranormal investigation and combat…but the final vision seen while in the caverns that was the image burned into Jamal Shamballah Dumare’s psyche. The vision of the man in the red hooded cloak with glowing green eyes. Surrounded by an orbit of smokeless fire as he hovered above the nighttime cityscape. LIKE AN APEX PREDATOR STANDING VANGUARD OVER ITS NATURAL HABITATION.