


Oh Shamballah son of men and jinn

know that you are the last Mage King of this cycle

your establishment shall last beyond the shredding of lost dimension

Chapter one

Shamballah closed the sacred book of M’laaah the wise and placed it on the alter of his Atlantean shrine. Making his way towards the underground waterways leading outside the caverns of Eminty located beneath the cityscapes of the Reparative Territories.

Onboarding his Anunnaki constructed battle craft, The Quetzal. Upon entering the command pit of the craft, Shamballah summons the ship’s Onboard “ghost-mate” the genie Lili

“Where to master?” Inquiries his faithful genie companion.

Shamballah responded with friendly authority “the northern Reparative Territories, there’s been a series of hauntings the judges want us to investigate”.

“And why are the judges spending us anywhere without an official summons? you are a faction lead” replies The inquisitive “Ghost-mate”.

“I volunteered ” Keyamah Shamballah sharply replies “There are demons in that area that I left. If there’s even a chance that a child out there could fall victim..I”

The genie with wit cut off her captain’s words “What happens to the Mortal World should be the last of your thoughts master ” the genie stated hovering in orbit around her captain’s head like a sassy pixie of the mountain springs.

“Your people ceased being mortal after your Father became a Wizard and your mother was born my mage king.” The inquisitive genie continued.

As the craft cloaked in the invisibility spells emitting from it core chambers, Shamballah closed his eyes standing on the deck of the emerged (but cloaked)from the shores of the Northern Reparative Territories (formerly New York city).

Shamballah mentally reciting the spell of storms prepared for teleportation as he vanished in a bolt of lighting; hurling through the clouds towards the city.

Landing on the tower of The Ogoon building standing tall over metropolitan area of the North Reparative Territories; Shamballah cloaked yet in still by the spell of his battle craft (as the spell is maintained by his gauntlets); having enough energy for 2 more teleportations without, (using a potion) teleports to the research and development level of the Ogoon Building.

Telepathically communicating with his gene “ghost-mate” Onboard the cloaked off shore Anunnaki vessel “I’m in ..stand by “

Hearing her master the genie bows in respect

Shamballah scans the damaged portion of the research and development lab. “THIS IS WHERE IT HAPPENED, THIS IS WHERE HE SACRFICED HIS FATHER”Shamballah thinks to himself as hus thoughts are projected throughout the Quetzal.