
Kali’s feild of Nightmares

A King Shamballah tale of paranormal revenge

a short story by Hasan Wallah based on characters of the supernatural PREHUMNS literary universe created by Hasan W, JW Qiyamah and JJ Meccanez

“THUGGIE ….YOU WORTHLESS FAT BASTARD!” shouted the grim paranormal voice throughout Kali’s feild of Nightmares the Halloween themed Park on Jae Dumar World Estate. Kali’s field of nightmares was made in honor of Shamballah’s former wife. Urban legend has that she committed scuicide and became a Jinn. The fright filled Slumlord could only whimper in response “wwwww, what?!” ” I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN YOUR SOUL SOUL THE SAME NIGHT I SACRFICED YOUR BASTARD SON !” Continued the deep and distorted voice on the themed Park speakers. The slumlord now cowardly shaking in the corner of garden maze reaches for his pistol only to find that his holster was empty “Oh God OH God oh Shit no God”. Cried the slumlord. Seemingly out of nowhere a thunderstorm brewed hurling lightning, striking a bolt roughly twenty four feet away from Slumlord Thuggie. Looking in the direction of the lightning strike Thuggie bears witness to a green flame emitting from the ground. From the uncanny flames emerged a dark figure covered in a flowing hood red cloak. Now frightened beyond the capacity for rational thought Thuggie stood motionless as the figure approached the slumlord; as the flames behind the cloaked figure faded seemingly unnaturally. “The actions of your son was your failure as both a father and a man. Your son raped her, made her pregnant kidnapped her; forcing her to give birth; only to sacrifice the child in front of her!” Snarled the cloaked figure. Falling to his knees in tears The Slumlord could only whimper. The cloaked figure now in front of the slumlord hands the kneeling crime boss his missing firearm. “I BELIEVE YOU WERE LOOKING FOR THIS.” Scorned the cloaked man extending his left arm holding Thuggie’s Desert Eagle pistol; revealing the deep dark blue colored sleeve decorated and accented with a golden gauntlet covered with jewels and markings of protection spells. The hand of the hooded figure was a smooth almost “reddish” semi dark brown. “TAKE YOUR WEAPON AND USE IT PROPERLY “. Ordered the hood man. Taking his once favorite firearm the Slumlord kingpin, weeping in tears looked at his former weapon of choice; was taken by the voices of his own inner demons. The faces of every mortal life the slumlord took flooded his minds eye. Overwhelmingly outweighed by his guilt Thuggie put the powerful sidearm to the left side of his head looking at the cloaked man;his eyes glowing a bright jade greed much like the green flam he emerged from. “Shut up! Shut up go away”! Cried the overweight afro descendant slumlord. Pulling the trigger with his gun still pointing to himself; sending a fatal gunshot through his own head, the lifeless husk of obesity once a street level criminal boss fell to the right.


The Sorcerer vs The Necromancer

by Hasan Wallah

The emotional scars of being held prisoner in Lucy Red’s Mansion has took me years to recover from. From being fed on by demons to constantly being hexed the damage I thought for years were going to be permanent. It felt like I was falling in a dark abyss that grew deeper and deeper the longer I fell. No child mortal or arcane should ever endure to torment o experienced at the hands of that haggard old Necromancer. She sacrificed my father to feed her own power, and banished my mother the dark regions of the dreamscape.

While in my captive condition I was befriended by a genie princess named Lili who was also held hostage by the Necromancer. The genie was Confined to a grimore I found in Lucy Red’s attic; while attempting to escape on my 9th birthday. The grimore was taken from a Wizard that the Necromancer sacrificed before I was born. The captive genie of the book told me the tale of the duel between Lucy Red and the battle Wizard who wrote the grimore. From what the princess told me, the Wizard and myself shared a blood link; and that was the reason Lucy Red kidnapped me….

“Master Lucy Red has been dead for a year now, you freed your mother and avenged your father; you are too extreme in your self punishment ” said the genie as she hovered around her beloved master. Now fully grown and realized into his power as Sorcerer; the genie’s master sat behind the desk of his library. Deep in the contents of the Wizard’s grimore, the genie’s master now, well into the 7th chapter is studying the history of the great purge of 6,000 mortal years ago. Stopping his study to respond to his genie companion the combat Sorcerer closed the grimore, stood from his throne Seat and placed the book back on the shelf behind him, with his back to the hovering genie the Sorcerer turns his head and softly speaks

“You’re right I have punished myself, but that’s not what I’m doing now. The Necromancer’s Disciple is still out there. The haunting we vanquished last week was a ghost from the purge. The lost soul of a mage killed when Prince Enlil initiated the purge. “Explained the Sorcerer.

“Then what troubles you master”? Inquired the genie princess

“I think I know what the demonic factions are trying to do. The All of thier sacrifices for the past decade are being used to power the halls of eminty. It’s not Necromancy at all they learning….it’s Necronomicon science they are using…they’re trying to bring back Prince Enlil. Lili we can’t fight this one alone. This is a bigger battle than normal. The factions of light, were do they hold the rallies?” Said the combat Sorcerer.

The Sorcerer knew the ramifications of the Prince of Darkness Enlil being rejuvenated; it would mean the war of arrmageddon;the cumulative conflict between good and evil.


by Hasan Wallah

Now after Shamballah’s 40 day trial period of fasting and practicing the casting of spells non verbally. The young Sorcerer was now ready to move to the next class of arcane training provided by the grimore of the Emerald Wizard. This next master class will put Shamballah’s practicing of reciting spells mentally to the test. In this arcane examination, Shamballah must refrain from verbal speech altogether and and hold one singular thought without wavering beyond the scope of 3 seconds. This singular thought is to be the spell of abundance; for the Sorcerer according to the grimore and its accompanying genie will need abundant wealth to properly do trade amongst the adamics without having to be dependent on adamic life for income. According to the words of the Emerald Wizard a true Sorcerer is free of need for an income based profession. The Wizard went on to say within the sacred text that once before the Great Purge Sorcerers held positions of trad in the adamic world. This led to many a Sorcerer falling victim to adamic thinking; causing the Sorcerers to become mundane which in turn vanquished thier advanced healing abilities. Without advance healing the Sorcerer’s magic became fatal after prolonged use. The arcane energy was too strong for an adamic body. This was the first tactic of Prince Enlil’s followers in setting the stage for what became The Great Purge of 6,000 years ago. By demonizing the use of arcane science; Prineville Enlil’s following were successful in completely suppression the wisdom of the arcane. It is for this reason Shamballah was being instructed to be removed and Secluded from adamic life. This next examination will secure the young Sorcerer with currency to trade with the other arcane factions; for it will be needed to gain thier trust and support. From the irons crafted by The Ogoon faction, used to forge weapons of wizardy and sorcery to the various battle mage armors; to the dust of the pixies used for high level potion work; trade amongst the factions in unavoidable.