
The Fulani-Viet and the missing factor

Born from a Fulani -American father forced into a super soldier program during the Vietnam and a Vietnamese Mother….Jamal Dumare was rampaged the world of human traffic as a vigilante known as The Fulani Viet. Using his enhance healing, and strength(passed down from his father’s genetically enhanced dna) to take down pimps who extorted young women throughout south east asia. It was during this time that the future king of mages encountered The Enchantress Kali who used human traffic to fund her arcane practice. When attacked by the Fulani Viet Kali hexed him slowly turning him into a werewolf. It would take years before he would brake the curse and blossom supernatural abilities. The following is a sample to chapter one of “The Fulani Viet”.

Jamal sees the lifeless body of his friend Bobby. Jamal drops to his knees beside his childhood friend bows his head and closes his eyes. As he does tears begin to flow down from Jamal’s closed eyes. Through his mind’s eye he watches visions of good times he shared with his bestfriend. When Jamal’s tears fall down his cheek they touch the corners of his lips. The the taste of the salt from his tears break Jamal’s escape from the reality. Jamal’s eyes open as they do his sight zeros in on his his fallen friend. The sight sends a felling in Jamal’s gut then he feels and energey from his abdomen rushing through his body. This sends a burning sensation to the wounded left hand of Jamal. He rapidly pulls his left hand up to eye level and sees his injuries from the knife fight healed before his very eyes.

Completely mentally broken from the events that have taken place, Jamal seeks answers. Searching through his fathers brief case he finds newspaper clipings. These headlines read Master Uknown the urban legend of an inner city vigilante group that was taking down gangs and drug dealers during the 1980s. The news papers led Jamal to a friend of his father’s Dr. Ogoon. Jamal later discovers (from Dr.Ogoon)that his father was forced into a super soldier program when he was drafted into the Vietnam War. Jamal also learns that his father went rouge when he was ordered to kill a local Vietnamese woman and that woman became Jamal’s mother. Dr Ogoon finally reveals that Master Unknown was not a group but it was only one person…Jamal’s father. His father used his genetically enhanced gifts from the super soldier program to take on crime upon his return to America with his now pregnant wife.