
Enter Deadly Blades

one year has passed Wendy has seen Jamal . Reports of a rampaging Zombie is sweeping through the inner city. Wendy has spent the last 12 months researching werewolves and the arcane applying her martial arts knowledge (learned by her adopted father) she learns to enchant Blades weapons. Also during this time she learns about Wardance the mage king cursed by a circle of Necromancers forced to do thier biding.However, due to the level of his power instead of transforming into a wolf permanently he can transform at will. Wendy further discovers that Jamal is Wardance taking on the name Deadly Blades (inspired by the iron spells created by Wardance) Wendy sets out to hunt her lost love.

Script for Paper trade back version (sample)


Panel one -Back shot of Deadly Blades standing in front of Wardance.Deadly Blades is lowering (her) hood and removing (her) mask

panel two -Wardance looks in shock and screams


Panel three- a close up of an unmasked Deadly Blades revealed to be a saddened Wendy Luann is shown in this panel she replies saying ” So you do remember me…didn’t think you remembered. You disappeared and looked everywhere for you !”

Panel four – Wardance looks with an expression of slight relief and says ” So you’re the infamous Deadly Blades..I can accept defeat to you with a willing heart”

Panel five- Wendy sheds a tear replying ” Like I told you…”

Panel six-Wendy smiles with a tear and continues

“your heart is all I ever wanted”

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panel one- wide shot of Wardance and Deadly Blades standing Wardance laughs

“hahahahahahahahahahha” Wendy says “why are you laughing “

panel two-close up of Wardance as he says “I actually thought you wanted take my heart when you said that ….don’t forget we were fighting when you said that the way how did you learn the iron spells ?”

panel three-Wendy smiles and says” I found your book..studied it night and day”

panel four-backshot of Wendy with Wardance looking at her as he says” I SEE ! it takes a lot of energy to cast those spells”

panel five – a smiling Wendy says ” I wonder where i got it “

panel six- Wardance and Wendy kiss

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panel one- naration box after five years she finally had him back the love she thought was lost –