
Welcome to a the literary universe of writer J.W Qiyamah

below is a preview of THE FULANI-VIET. the first spin off Novel based on THE PREHUMANS literary universe

Created and written by J.W Qiyamah


Magic, a misunderstood and truly forgotten science created and cultivated by an ancient prehuman race called the Mages. As the Mages grew more skilled in the science of Magic they grew in power. As their power grew the mages broke into two, the faction of order and the faction of darkness. The faction of order subscribed to the ideal of using magic to advance life where the faction of darkness believed in dominating life within the universe. These two colliding ideals eventually grew into a war between the factions.

This war between light and dark magic destroyed the world of the mages. However, from the remains of their world Earth and Mars were grown. Using Geomancy The faction of order advanced the protoplasm of the biosphere into plant and animal life. Also, the faction of darkness began killing the life on the newly formed planets.

In attempt to avoid another war many of the Prehumans began to walk away from the practice of magic. As generations of these mages went on without practicing magic the devolved into the first humans.

I wasn’t always in the “forgotten circle ” as the sons call it. I got in by way of their leader…he saved my life on the streets years ago me..young Wendy LuAnn a vietnamese American orphan. Ever since then..he’s been the only stable thing in my life the only family I need, but I want more of him.

CHAPTER ONE the forgotten sons and the Dual of Mages

Wendy a striving YA author and arcane enthusiast is following group of young urban poets that a shrouded in urban Legend….The forgotten sons.

As wendy sits in the alley waiting for the sons to all gather she hears a African style flute playing a very tribal tune. The tune is coming from the rooftop of the building from which Wendy’s back is facing. As the harmony from the flute continued Wendy knew all to well that this was the call of the sons she looks up and sees two figures standing on the rooftop one. A smile glides over Wendy’s face as she knew it would be long before HE arrived Wardance leader of the forgotten sons.

“The All giver is the ancient of days!” shouted one of the figures on the roof. As the other continued to play the flute. The sound of Tribal drums playing seemed to be faintly sounding of in from of Wendy from a distance.Wendy lowers her head from looking up to looking down the alley in front of her. There she sees a green mist beginning to materialize, like a cloud of green fog with a bright light within it. Walking from the cloud of fog Emerged the members of the forgotten sons. Wearing all black with Fulani Hats and tribal beads. Some members had tribal sashes varying in color wrapped around thier waists and or around thier necks like a scarf. As the forgotten sons emerged from the green mist. they form in to circle in the middle of the alley. gathered into a circle displaying their spell work one by one speaking in rhymes. The blood mages look upon the most powerful and renowned member of the forgotten sons …Wardance. The blood mage vigilante waving his hands in poetic gesture as he began speaking his manifesting spell green ether emitted from his hands leaving curvy and tribal like shapes and patterns glowing in the air as his gilded through the air as if he was conducting an orchestra the words of his manifestation spell flowed like a verse from hip hop song of the golden era of the underground art. At that moment I knew just what the connection was between tribal magic and this urban subculture. As I watched Wardance standing on in the alley as he chanted .


“Peace The Earth called and I came increasing in number until it distills and I make rain. The true living know my name. Demons run because I know their dirty games. I put reality into different frames walking over currents making the weather rearrange . Doing spirit work making fates change “