The literary universe of the supernatural prehumans covers a vast cosmic space. The background narrative of the story begins roughly 60 trillion years before the birth of the biosphere called Earth.


Jamal Dumare Shamballah (Shamballah king of mages)

-Leader of the Neutral Factions of Mages and Wizards. Shamballah was rejected by the Temple of Arcane Sciences due to being the CLONE of a Fulani (North African) Warlock that was killed during the 1800s. However, after the purge of the Temple Shamballah was secretly trained by a member of The Temples remaining circle of Masters (The Seven Judges). During this period of secret training Shamballah was given the name the Unknown Student (Student X). Also during this time Student X (Shamballah) learned of his cloned origins and the reason he was rejected by the Arcane Temple.

AMA The genie of the secret book-During Shamballah’s secret training, he was giving a book containing the secret teachings of the sacred flame and the art of the second death. Ama the genie was bonded to the Book and became the companion of Shamballah after the death of his secret arcane teacher.

Quezal Jade – born of American Chinese and Native Ojibwa bloodlines Quetzal Jade is female battle Shaman who was trained by Shamballah

Kelly Khan-cloned from the lover of The Fulani Warlock ,

Deadly Blades


THE FOLLOWING ARE SHORT STORIES BY Hasan W. Based on Jae Dumar World’s King Shamballah An intellectual property owned by the personal brand of Hasan Wallah.

this short story takes place during Shamballah’s days as the unknown student (student x) when he began to study the Enchanted book of M’laaah the wise


“You killed me !” Shouted the cursed ghost of Thuggie;the slumlord whom Shamballah hexed to committing suicide

“I have given you six months to find your way…a standard I practice for all my prey” replied Shamballah sitting in meditative posture upon his red cloak of Gilgamesh; given to him personally by the 7 arcane judges. “NOW ITS TIME TO END YOU ….PIECE OF SHIT VERMON” scolded the urban combat Sorcerer. A circle of green light surrounded the ghost of the slumlord “ITS TIME FOR YOUR SECOND DEATH” Shamballah continued. The specter squealing in pain as the circle of green light on the ground surrounding him pulled him to his knees reminiscent of his last mortal moment before taking his own life as a result of Shamballah’s hex upon him. “ONE DEATH ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH FOR SCUM LIKE YOU!” Shamballah said still sitting upon his cloak with his eyes glowing the same green light as the one surrounding the ghost of his mortal enemy. Still streaking in agony the ghost of Thuggie was reduced to nothing as Shamballah stood,putting on his red cloak of Gilgamesh as it flowed in the cold wind of the caverns beneath his Estate.




The Vermin king

7 Years since I have graduated from the school of the arcane, mastering the power on my own. Only my genie companion and the lessons I have learned. The way of the combat Sorcerer can be lonely even if you have a companion. Demons overlooked by the average practioner of the arcane; manifest to us combat Sorcerers. Demons lower than jinn can infect Adamics around the practioner awakening emotions within the practioner that can be used as food for the demon. Once that happens, the Sorcerer is at risk of loosing his ability to heal. Without the advanced healing If the Sorcerer continues to use the Power, the flesh body of the Practioner can be damaged beyond repair. It was because of this reason; the Adamics purged the way from the Mortal world almost 7,000 years ago.

These demonic vermin have nearly destroyed the city. The negetive energy of the city has a stench ..I hate it.

For the past forty days I have dwelled in the caverns in retreat not even genie is allowed to accompany me. The fight with Mamon’s champion his demonic vermin almost drained me.

His magiks are base level but consistent in striking when the Sorcerer contracts into defensive “stance”. In fact a Vermin King is not rooted in arcane energy but physical hand to hand combat. It is only his command of demonic Vermin that make him an arcane level threat.

The Sorcerer when engaged in conflict with a Vermin King must never be lured into physical combat with a mindset of anger or hate. These lower emotions only feed his parasitic demon horde. The protection spell must be used (mentally) when faced with a Vermin King. The second death is the mage hand attack most effective against a Vermin King; but is best if reserved after the opponent has been out maneuvered, confounded, confused or thrown off guard.

Deception is another useful weapon against a Vermin King. He dwell’s in mental deceit, so using this tactic against him brakes his foundation allowing the perfect opportunity for delivering the second death attack as a fatal blow to the low level opponent. HOWEVER TAKE CAUTION AGAINST HIS DEMONIC VERMIN HORDE. USE THE PROCTION SPELL (MENTALLY) UNTIL THE VERMIN KING HAS BEEN BROKEN AND THE ACTION OF THE SECOND DEATH HAS BEEN COMMITTED TO!


Glitch the thief and Jimbo Gutters petty dark magician and child molester both former friends of Shamballah during his days as Student Unknown. Both fell victim to the maddness of the Digital Necronomicon video game distributed by Ogoon Technologies. These two petty arcane criminals (along with slumlord Thuggie and Lucy Red eater of children) were amongst the first to be sacrificed by Shamballah as a vigilante Necromancer (Student Unknown) However, his harsh military style training from elder Necromancers Master Unknown and Lady Kali was void of the sacred and forbidden art of the second death. An arcane skill used to eliminate the very soul of mortal (adamics) guilty of unforgivable actions. This skill is only privy to Paladin class combat Sorcerers. This sacred mage hand skill cannot even be practiced by Necronomicon followers. Due to this ….the souls of The faithless can be summoned (an have been) by various Demonic faction members. Such as the cas with the case of the “Haunting of Alfred Banking and Trust”.

SHAMBALLAH: you always were worthless Glitch no better than Gutters …you destroyed Wille he was a good kid..

GLITCH: I thought you were my friend Jamal but you lied!

SHAMBALLAH: No Harry you lied …you lied to yourself! You could have used your power as a specter to help those kids but you didn’t not even you own son ….pathetic

GLITCH: YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! as the specture rush forward in rage Shamballah mentally recited the spell of…


Original concept art by Jae Dumar World

Wardance king of Mages is the main protagonist of this literary universe

DR Ogoon

Dr. Ogoon is the former Mentor of Wardance and eventually became an antagonist/anti hero in the original story (timeline)

LIli Wei

Lili Wei is the daughter of Hofu Wei leader of the head clan and main love interest of Wardance

M’laah the wise

Lady Kali

M’laah the wise is the Prehuman guard of this dimension…he also guides the mage kings of all ages.. he also is the creator of the mission factor THE MOST POWERFUL SPELL in this literary universe


Lady Kali the prehuman necromancer the hexed Jamal resulting in him becoming Wardance when he broke the hexed placed on him..she is a main antagonist in the original story of Wardance


The Nicolation is a necromancer and leader of the rouge dark elves. This magic using sex offender is also a serial rapist. He was paid by Lady Kali to rape and murder Jamal’s first wife Rachel Zhen

Believed to t

have been dead after going missing for over 20 years….

In reality he was cursed by the diabolical fallen wizard known as the Doctrine! Jamal Dumare breaks the curse placed on him developing supernatural abilities as a result….he now hunts the dark forces that sought to destroy him as the supernatural hero …WARDANCE KING OF MAGES

POWERS & ABILITIES: Wardance was born with “the missing factor” within his dna. “The missing factor” is a Prehuman formula created by the Elder M’lah the wise.

The missing factor allows Wardance to possess enhanced strength, and advanced healing. His advanced healing has virtually stopped his aging process. Also, his healing factor allows him to practice high level arcane sciences (high magic), these sciences are deadly when one uses them in the human condition. the missing factor also gives Wardance the ability to wield magical weapons such as Excaliber

Wardance has vast amounts of arcane abilities such spell casting , spiritmancy, limited flight (short periods)

WEAKNESSES: Love spells, spells of hate can cause the missing factor stop working within Wardance’s dna after prolonged exposure.


The original script for Issue one

The supernatural PREHUMNS is a copyright and trademark of



Intro Page 1 & 2
Splash page of Astral plane 
Panel 1Meanwhile in the tantric dimension of the astral plane 
Panel 2Close up of Wardance’s eye it is closed Terasu My Love ?  
Panel 3Close up of Wardance’s eye slightly open
PANEL 4Close up of Wardances eye open wide as in shock
Panel 5Wardance laying down with Terasu standing over him
PANEL 1Back shot of Wardance facing Terasu
Wardance:Where am I who are you?
Panel 2Terasu:You are the spirit realm a pocket of space in time within the plane of the astral..

Wardance:How did I get here?
Panel 3Terasu:Your primordial soul drifted here to my realm only those with a predestined relationship with me can find me
Panel 4Wardance:Predestined? Relationship?

Panel 1
Terasu:My beloved …the son of Yusake and Child of Trong..I have waited for you since the coded of your bloodlines DNA began to formulate you..when you realize who and what you are then you will see you 
Panel 2
Wardance:Your Love? Power? I dont understand the last thing I remember was feeling like I was dying
Panel 3Terasu: Dead you are not beloved however,  you were betrayed! When you awaken I will send to you my devotee to be your companion in my stead 
Panel 4Wardance:I was betrayed how?
Panel 5
Terasu:Go my no my beloved King of Mages rise and take your throne
PanelWardance  holds his hands in front of his face as the bright light engulfs him

Panel 1Wardance  opens his eyes
PANEL 2Wardance awakens to find himself inside a tomb 
Panel 3he begins to strike the tomb until it breaks 
Panel 4climbing through the dirt in a panic until he reaches the surface. 
Panel 5Wardance then screams in anger to the top of his lungs 

Panel 1Watching in the distance…
Quetzal Jade watches the events from the background  Quetzal:Its really him I can’t believe it
Panel 2Back shot of Quetzal Jade looking at Wardance from a distance as he stands in froPanel 3
Back shot of Wardance’s head as he looks at the tombstone and sees the tombstone with the Name Grady Walker on it ..
Panel 4Front bust shot of Wardance holding his right fist at chest level
Wardance: (thinking to himself)Grady Walker ?! What the hellThat’s not damn my name what the hell happened 
Panel 1
Panel 2
Quetzal Jade Scans Wardance and sees his charging power
Panel 3Wardance: ( thinking to himself)What is going I don’t understand 
Panel 4Still on his knees closes his eyesHe begins to recall his deal with Lady Kali
Panel 5Close up his fience faceRobin her name was Robin I remember 
Panel 6Side shot of Robin standing pregnant and sadWardance: (thinking to himself)I remember member my fiance was raped became pregnant from it. She left me gave birth and committed suicide I remember 
I wanted revenge
Panel Close up of Doctrine the fallen wizard’s faceThat was when I met HIMhe called himself THE DOCTRINE didn’t think he was real mom and dad used to tell me stories about him hunting my dad’s people tempting them at their lowest point thought it was dad’s tribal talk again 
Back shot of Wardance he is yelling at Doctrine He offered my power but I refused his price…the bastard wanted my soul
PanelClose up of Doctrine casting a spell 
Oh my God I was cursed !!but how did I survive something else happened can’t think
PanelWardance opens his eyes as he does his eyes begin to glow red 
PanelClose up of Quetzal Jade watching in the distance she appears to be sad as a year drops from her eyes as Wardance yells again Wardance : HOW DID I SURVIVE!!